July 14, 2014
The World of IT Financial
Marriott's Dearborn Inn
Dearborn, MI
It is very difficult to create an IT cost system from scratch without any knowledge, understanding,
and above all, fortitude. While the latter cannot be taught or purchased, the other requirements can
be fulfilled through the acquisition of knowledge. A quick internet search will show there is
information available on this subject, but it is vague, disjoint, and often times not relevant. What is
lacking is a high level understanding of what is needed to craft a cost system.
This workshop is primarily designed for those who are contemplating the use/formation of an IT cost
system. During the workshop, we will review the stakeholders, perspectives, and expectations that
are part of any IT cost system. Once understood, this information can be used to define the
constraints for what can be reasonably delivered, and allow for the process to move forward.
Knowledge makes the task easier, and to that end the following are some of the topics that will be
covered in this interactive workshop:
-- Traditional cost system issues and expectations, and by whom
-- Define and discuss the five forces that influence any Cost System
-- Identify the difference between expectations and reality, and how to manage them
-- Identify strengths and weaknesses in regard to being Cost System ready
-- Identification and solutions to key implementation issues