We know how to link IT
services with the business.
We have taken this
knowledge and put it into
our product and services to
give you a solution that
leverages our knowledge
for your benefit.
Client Centric
Even though many
companies claim so, there
is no “one size fits all” for
creating an IT Cost
Transparency process. The
task may seem very
daunting since it is very
business intimate, but we
provide the knowledge,
understanding, and support
to make it a success.
Resource Guidance:
Who We Are
Company Background
Resource Guidance, Inc. was founded in 1988, and initially provided modeling tools and services that
were used for Capacity Management on Unisys Libra systems. As the architectures moved to Open
Systems and other frameworks, we updated our solutions to remain in step with the ever changing
industry and trends.
Over the years, the requirements of our clients have changed and now include:
• Measure many systems that may/may not be of same platform or system type
• Measure Capacity on Demand computing
• Ability to measure increasingly complex environments with a diminishing staff and none or
little Costing skills
• Ability to “benchmark” different systems and workloads within the computing environment
• Need to understand equipment cost issues and provide supporting information for the
decision process
• Need to include IT Costing along with traditional Service Delivery measures
• The ability to provide accurate and reliable Costing information for Shared Resources
• The ability to support a Chargeback / Showback system, or some other form of Bill of IT
To address these needs, we have continued (and will continue) to expand our offerings to include
different platforms as well as software architectures (i.e. Software Oriented Architecture) all the while
maintaining the core Capacity Management and Costing capabilities.
Mission Statement
Recognizing the needs of our clients, our Mission Statement includes the following:
• To provide Products and Services that enable our Clients to handle the expanding
demands required for "rock solid" IT Costing and the decision support associated with it.
• To provide Products that require less technical skills and time, leverages client
knowledge, and measures the value of the IT Services.
• To provide Services that enable simple and sound business decisions required by our
• To provide Products and Services that encourages and leverages the participation of
IT Stakeholders in the IT Governance process.
Michael A. Davis
Founder and President of Resource Guidance.
Michael has a broad range of experience from technical support, software development, mid-level
management, and service based consulting. Primarily focused on metrics and tools for measuring the
business cost (and value) of IT Service Delivery based on TCO.
He is the primary designer and architect of RG Solutions® and guides the development of the
company solutions. His main strength is the ability to assess client requirements, determine the
information needed, and then deliver the results in business friendly terms and measures. He
conducts onsite and offsite client studies and programs that are customized to the client
He has researched and published white papers, developed and taught IT management classes,
and was an Adjunct Professor for under-graduate and graduate level university classes. Prepared and
conducted numerous presentations at client locations, client meetings, trade shows, and other venues
in the US and overseas.
Michael holds a BBA (Bachelors of Business Administration) undergraduate degree from the
University of Michigan (Dearborn) and an MIM (Masters of International Management) graduate
degree from Thunderbird - School of Global Management.
Michael is a member of SIM (Society of Information Management), ITFMA (IT Financial
Management Association), and is associated with other trade groups.