This is a revision to a study (February 2006) relating to the ITI (Information Technology Inc.)
application running on different vendor systems. The initial study was in response to a white paper
published by ITI. In that white paper, ITI provided the results of their benchmark tests on the IBM i5
system. The ITI white paper focused on the Primary Update portion of the batch processing. It was
felt this focus was too narrow and only looked at a small portion (albeit an important part) of the total
user experience. As a result, the initial study was conducted with the intent of measuring all actual
processing (batch and online) that is performed by the ITI application in a customer setting.
The initial study included four system types, and there were two each from Unisys and IBM. While
these systems did not include the latest offerings available for each vendor, they were the only
systems available at the time. Since then additional system information has become available and is
included in this revision.
White Paper